- How do you manage your money?
- Can you describe your typical spending habits?
- What do you think is the best way to save money?
- Do you have any financial goals for the future?
- How do you prioritize spending your time?
- What activities do you think are worth spending money on?
- Are there any time-saving tips you use in your daily life?
- Do you think it’s important to budget your time as well as your money?
- Can you share a time when you had to make a decision between saving money or saving time?
- How do you balance spending time with family and friends without overspending?
- Do you have any strategies for avoiding impulse purchases?
- What role does money play in your overall happiness?
- How do you feel about investing time and money in experiences rather than material possessions?
- What financial advice would you give to someone just starting to manage their money?
- Can you share an experience where managing your time and money effectively led to a positive outcome?